・Apply codes and standards to ethical practice
・Demonstrate language proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts
・Interpret in general dialogue settings (LOTE)
・Manage discourses in general settings
・Negotiate translating and interpreting assignments
・Prepare to translate and interpret
・Analyse, recall and reproduce source messages (LOTE)
・Apply the principles of confidentiality and security within the legal environment
・Build client relationships and business networks
・Contribute to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazard identification and risk assessment
・Demonstrate written language proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts
・Identify risk and apply risk Management processes
・Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
・Interpret in general monologue settings (LOTE)
・Maintain and enhance professional practice
・Maintain business records
・Manage personal, family, cultural and business obligations
・Manage small business finances
・Sight translate (LOTE)
・Use legal terminology in order to carry out tasks
・Work effectively with diversity
入学条件 入学レベルは IELTS6.5 (アカデミック)が必要です。 TOEFL (iBT) 79 TAFE付属英語学校でのCertificate 4 in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) を一定の成績を修めて修了
・Analyse texts to be translated (LOTE)
・Apply codes and standards to ethical practice
・Demonstrate written language proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts
・Negotiate translating and interpreting assignments
・Prepare to translate and interpret
<2014年・公表されている選択科目> ・Apply the principles of confidentiality and security within the legal environment
・Build client relationships and business networks
・Contribute to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazard identification and risk assessment
・Create technical documentation
・Demonstrate language proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts
・Identify risk and apply risk management processes
・Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
・Maintain and enhance professional practice
・Maintain business records
・Manage business document design and development
・Manage personal, family, cultural and business obligations
・Manage small business finances
・Operate application software packages
・Translate general purpose texts from English to LOTE
・Translate general purpose texts from LOTE to English
・Use advanced features of computer applications
・Use legal terminology in order to carry out tasks
・Work effectively with diversity
・Write complex documents
入学条件 入学レベルは IELTS6.5 (アカデミック)が必要です。 TOEFL (iBT) 79 TAFE付属英語学校でのCertificate 4 in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) を一定の成績を修めて修了
・Analyse, recall and reproduce source messages (LOTE)
・Apply codes and standards to professional judgement
・Interpret in complex dialogue settings (LOTE)
・Interpret in complex monologue settings (LOTE)
・Manage complex discourse settings
・Negotiate translating and interpreting assignments
・Prepare to translate and interpret
・Sight translate (LOTE)
・Analyse and present research information
・Apply the principles of confidentiality and security within the legal environment
・Apply theories to translating and interpreting work practices
・Contribute to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazard identification and risk assessment
・Demonstrate language proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts
・Develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships
・Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business
・Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
・Interpret as part of a team
・Interpret through communication media
・Maintain and enhance professional practice
・Monitor and manage small business operations
・Provide mentoring support to colleagues
・Research legal processes
・Use legal terminology in order to carry out tasks
・Work effectively with diversity
入学条件 入学レベルは IELTS7.0 (アカデミック)が必要です。 TOEFL (iBT) 94 TAFE付属英語学校でのCertificate 4 in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) を一定の成績を修めて修了